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Albert Einstein - “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” {NOTE TO SELF: I moved away from psychiatry}

Alan Watts - “The purpose of life is to live it. People keep getting lost in trying to achieve something great and not living.”

UNKNOWN - “If you wait too long for the perfect moment, the perfect
moment will pass you by.”

Rebecca McNutt - “The worst feeling in the world is not losing your friend forever, but rather having patronizing people tell you that the love you have for your friend and the connection and emotion you have towards them is an illness to be cured – a problem to be covered up and hidden away by the power of mood-altering drugs. I used to trust doctors when I was younger… now I’ve lost my trust in all mental health professionals forever.”

UNKNOWN - "People who...

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{FIRST PORTION: https://mindmadeup.svbtle.com/on-compliance}

Studying human behaviour and its possible-progress is interesting for curiosity and one’s own investigation of the self. Others’ analyzing and judging humans, while diminishing them to chemicals and patterns of manners/thoughts that need correction – because consensus says so –
is purely reprehensible. I consider it representative {AKA “symptomatic”}
of something askew with the system and the mind of the person{s} proceeding in such a way.

However, it is their way and all one needs to do is ignore it. It is to be
up to everyone to figure out any wrongs in their own person and change
if they are inclined. Never let anybody’s words or substances control you.

I never found a comfort in accepting or complying with psychiatry’s ways. Some people are not conflicted with quickly accepting others corrections and are happy to have...

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I hated myself.

That is not saying that it was inappropriate to hate me, but I
was not doing it in a beneficial manner.

I like this idea so much! That is especially-so since it came from me
{at least, if someone in the world wrote of such an idea, I do not know}.
It is something “psychology”-like, or whatever, but not heard from them.

Mayhaps this can be something that helps another, too? A change in
thinking of not loving yourself, but understanding how you can hate
yourself in an assistive way
, can benefit. That is what I wanted!

Some feeling-slighted could say one has to love themselves before
you can love another and how it is proven {somehow}. That is total

I heard something along those lines during an early-time at the rotten “Helping Hand”. It was in the main room, where a patient mentioned that idea of self-love {and there was no objection...

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It is one of the, what I believe, most-ignorant
words from many of the “mental health” workers:


I heard it so much at the day-program{s} and read of it, too.

Everyone under any supposed-care is fully a person — and a patient.
Is there a doctor at your “behavioural health”? You are a patient.

One buys objects and, if food, we consume them.
Yes, the so-called services are being bought/paid for …
but it is degrading to like attendees as less than a patient.

What makes folks consumers of “mental health”
‘treatment’ but patients when they visit family doctors?

It grew to annoy me. It became something restrict-
ive, similar to the DSM labels which I also reject.

Consumers of “mental health” services? That is the way the “mental illness” system is run: it is all about consumerism and they make you into mere
“clients” {another used term} for them to make money from. They are...

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I read on the 11th that the subtitle of this year’s final (yeah, right) “Star Wars” could be coming today. Perhaps a mini-trailer, too. I forget exactly what I quickly saw yesterday, but there’s to be something expected.

Anyway, who cares about the next “Star Wars”?
A lot, apparently. Not I. It’s just a movie.

I was never a big fan. I betcha many people see these things
because everyone else does, not from actually wanting to.

Loyalty? “I’m loyal to the ‘Star Wars’ franchise.” Wow, I know that I’d be
just embarrassed to even say that. It makes me chuckle. Is that an accomplishment that matters in the universe (beside the space-opera
“universe” of SW)?

Some think that this year’s addition will have a negativity within the title.
Just for sh**s and giggles, howzabout we try some subtitle predictions?

negative (any of these could get fans to think the series will never return):


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Psychiatric Advance Directives

In Vacco v. Quill, 521 U.S. 793 at 807 (1997), the U.S. Supreme Court said “[t]he principle that a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment may be inferred from our prior decisions … our assumption of a right to refuse treatment was grounded … on well-established, traditional rights to bodily integrity and freedom from unwanted touching.” Unless the Court wishes to make an exception for psychi­atric care (if “care” is the correct term), there is a federal constitutional right to refuse it. Further­more, if this is a federal constitutional right, it prevails over state and federal laws author­izing involuntary psychiatric hospitalization or treatment.

A California Court of Appeals put it this way in Bartling v. Super Ct., 209 Cal.Rptr. 220 at 224-225 (Cal.App. 2 Dist. 1984):

In California...

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Mark Twain once said “Truth is mighty and will prevail. There’s nothing the matter with this, except that it ain’t so.” The continued existence of psychiatry is an example of how right Mark Twain was.

The Wikipedia article titled “Anti-psychiatry” (accessed October 11, 2012, since modified) said “Anti-psychiatry is a configuration of groups and theoretical constructs that emerged in the 1960s…” Actually, antipsychiatry efforts date from at least 1774 with the publication of Samuel Bruck­shaw’s book One more proof of the iniquitous abuse of private madhouses. In 1838, John Thomas Perceval published his auto­bio­graphical book about his experience of being placed against his will in an insane asylum 1831 through 1832 in England, which he calls a “system of downright oppression” (“A Lunatic’s Protest” in The Age of Madness, edited by Thomas Szasz, Anchor Books 1973, p. 29 at 32). In the...

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I am reminded of how I heard of this sometime
on the radio in the late 1990s or earliest 2000s.

It is my understanding that you can call yourself
a “therapist” right this second if wanted, for it is
not a legally-defined occupation.

If you feel like it, you could just display a shingle
and then see whomever you want.

If you are not making professional announcements,
and giving yourself incorrect credentials, it seems
to be permissible across-the-board.

Want to display a plain “FREE COUNSELING” outside your door?

Someone would probably come to see you. The “professionals”
could get irritated and, well, would you really mind? I would not.

Also, realize that any thing can be “therapy”.

Quoting psychologist Roger Mills from the 1980s, “The field
of psychology today is literally a mess. There are as many
techniques, methods, and theories around as there are re-
searchers and...

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One of my childhood experiences that was traumatic consisted of a psychiatric rape. Many years after, only in 2016, have I been able to
see that for what it was and to not be afraid of accepting itsthe truth.
If I had explained anything to a “professional”, I would expect that
their love of the system would have only enabled them to try and
convince me of how it was all just in my “best interest”. Seriously, I
should deeply think about the situation and consider such a thing?!?
How would that be assisting me? The word and concept of rape would
not have been offered to me, to help me to make sense of things, so
they would have failed again.

I could hear it now: “Perhaps it was in your best interests.” Ugh!! I
completely despise and feel anger when I heard those words from “professionals”. A statement including that language can be terribly
untrue. Wrong is wrong and abuse is still...

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Well, hello.

Sit. Stand.
On the floor or chair.
Whichever combination you fancy.

Allow me to tell you that I have a “mental illness” history. Remember that neither of us are “mentally ill” because I think that is an insulting term on its own. The mind cannot get sick. Using the term “mental Illness” is a stigma-creating term all by its lonesome, so I do not like anybody using that here.

We are better and more-than psychiatry’s degrading labels. I have anxiety issues, but anxiety is an expected human emotion and is not an illness. I believe it is most important to remind people of what is right with them instead of encourage the belief in labels.

Something of importance here in this facility is that we like to show all of our patients videos and papers that are critical of psychiatry. Items from the past and up-to-date data that originates from patients and doctors alike. They are...

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