I never liked the statement of “I am hearing voices.”

It is too common to think right away that if one says they “hear voices”, that means they must have a problem with “mental health”. Lots of people “hear voices” as defined in psychiatry – and lots know it as a something different. It is a common human experience and not everyone should be considered mentally unwell by the supposed professionals. That is not
something you should absolutely consider for yourself, too.

{https://www.hearing-voices.org; http://metro.co.uk/2013/11/12/hearing-voices-in-our-heads-is-more-common-and-less-crazy-than-we-think-4182375/}

In the confines of psychiatry, the psych is thinking voices are there due
to a fault in one’s brain. An auditory hallucination which can only be part of an “illness” and a main reason why someone is before them. The doc may also have a good feeling since they can now use it to easily label you. They
can fool themselves into thinking they are amazing because they have “diagnosed” you, when they actually accomplished nothing special.

My take on the phenomena is that a problem can stem from a person’s
confusion of understanding that their brain is multitasking.

I think people are just confusing a thought with hearing it. They may not
understand why they had the thought and, since the psychiatrist only knows of and mentions the “hearing voices” idea, is steered into believing they actually heard it. “Do you think you are hearing a voice?” is not a question brought before the patient; I feel that would would be better.

It is just one of my ideas about it … accurate for me, because it seems
that was a problem of mine. Now that I do what I need to remind me that
I am thinking, I have less confusion {AKA voices}.

If you lose understanding that you are thinking, you may then
have trouble thinking.
That was true for me and it is really amazing.
Call this a “mental illness” if you choose, but you would not be correct.
As it was with me, when trouble specifically stems from a neurological condition, it is absolutely not the same. I will take my “hearing” of something that is not actually audible as a likely neuro event, since my
brain had an injury, over some psych’s useless blabbering.

Talk cannot repair a physical injury.

Though it took too long to react, I heard a still small voice
in the toxic psychiatry system. I no longer have a need to hear
any outer voices from those within that atmosphere.

All my life, I was searching for what makes sense.
Everyone does this. Everyone wants connection.

Psychiatry can interfere and is naive when it thinks it cannot.

I am free of some abuse …
and I can think more clearly, too.

Negative environments can be very detrimental.

“Bad company corrupts good character.” {1st Corinthians 15:33}

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Copyright © 2016 & 2017 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP


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