There was a one-time group at the final “behavioural health” location {in 2015, most likely} which I recall as having an actual interesting/unique
topic … something that I did not expect to encounter there.

It was about how the names of certain drugs {in any field}
may seem to have a meaning in their commercial name.

Now, I cannot be sure of the titles used at that time, but I am certain
that the topic did not go into the direction which it did for me now.

Thus, focusing on just psych-toxins, I present my
ideas of meanings in certain drugs’ commercial names:

Effexor = “effective” substance/it makes you “effective”

Restoril = helps you “RESTOR"e normalcy from mental "IL"lness

Elavil = "elevate” the helpful emotions/“ELAV"ate the "IL"lness
{really-stretching there at the ends, but creative ideas are fun}

Prozac = this stuff uses a "PROfessional ACtion”

Abilify = you can increase your “ABILI"ties

Concerta = focus better; act like you were watching a fancy concert

Pristiq = "pristine” chemical/helping you be more “pristine”

Adderal = something that can “add” more to your life

Wellbutrin = using this will make you “well” in mind

Oh, and that is a group of drugs known as “tranquilizers”. Items with a function in disrupt the body to make one tranquil/calm … and compliant
to how others want you to be. I found nothing peaceful from deceptive,
uninforming, controlling doctors all-around: “tranquil-lie-ars”.

Do not be misled by any hidden-messages trying to subconsciously
entice you. It is just psychiatric propaganda and marketing from greedy businesses trying to make their dreck sound more appealing.

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Copyright © 2019-2020 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP

UPDATE: 15th December, 2019 {“Concerta” added}
UPDATE: 18-20th May, 2020 {section on the tranquilizer-term}


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