In “YouTube” videos about possible harms or benefits from the “mental health” profession, there are always arguments to be found in comments.

I never participate in them.

Many words from others match what I already think about the topic, so
there is no point in including the same. They are not really a discussion
anyway ‘n usually contain foul language and insults. Despite those, one
can likely find some interesting snippets to read.

The following are some I found in a psych vid I saw today {11th May, 2018}.


Actual Bias Trash
3 years ago
Depression is a mental illness. That’s why people have medication to balance the chemicals in their brains 


3 years ago
That only shows that they can suppress the feelings of the person. Like he said it’s an upper. There’s no evidence it’s caused by imbalance. If all of your family died or something many people would likely be severely depressed.

3 years ago
And it never works.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
Actually it is the opposite. People who are clinically depressed don’t feel any emotions. People can have a great life without any trauma and still have the illness called depression and need medication. All SSRI’s do is block the reuptake of neurotransmitters so they can transmit messages to other neurons in the brain. Neurotransmission is responsible for many bodily functions, not just mood. It’s an illness, which is why it is treated by physicians.

3 years ago
Yes your mood effects your physical health. As well as the activity in your brain. That’s nothing new. Does it mean depression is anything other than psychological? Not really.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
No the lack of neurotransmitters in the synapses of your brain can cause physical health problems in addition to the mood component of the illness. Your brain and neurotransmitter control all kinds of things-mood is just one. People with depression often have extreme lack of energy, cognitive problems even psychomotor retardation. It requires medical treatment.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
This man in the video is equating depression with sadness which is inaccurate. Sometimes people with depression feel sad, sometimes they are unable to feel anything, including things that used to be fun. Depression is a constellation of symptoms-ordinary sadness really has not much to do with it.

3 years ago
+FleurPillager Where’s the proof that some chemical imbalance causes the disease? There have been people who were declared clinically depressed yet were shown to have no imbalance in the brain. The placebo effect can literally cure severe disease or cause it. You ever heard of Mr. Wright?

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
+guyoflife The proof is what I already stated. I cited evidence that blocking the reuptake of Serotonin and other neurotransmitters improves symptoms of clinical depression as evidenced by numerous clinical trials. Do you really believe that thousands of physicians prescribe medications for an illness that doesn’t really exist? That would be quite the conspiracy.

3 years ago
I’m asking is there any tests any trials that actually show this imbalance? Any imaging or anything? Not that the drug relieves symptoms. It’s also debatable if the psychological part comes first. Plus no matter what it’s cause there are perfectly natural ways of reversing it.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
I’m sure that they could crack open your skull, take a sample of brain cells and biopsy the sample to measure your neurotransmitter levels but that would be dangerous, expensive and unnecessary when we can talk to the person about their symptoms and prescribe medications instead. Much better for the patient.

3 years ago
It’s not better for the patient to take these drugs which could be very detrimental and haven’t been shown to work too often or even be better than placebo when we could just use natural means that have no negative side effects.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
No they are better than placebo as evidenced by drug trials. They have all been studied extensively in order to be approved for treatment.

3 years ago
+FleurPillager The drug companies will often have like for example maybe 6 studies and only two of them will say the drug is more effective. If the other four don’t say this our show some really bad stuff they don’t publish it. These are trials done and funded by drug companies themselves. Talk about conflict of interest. Either way nature is a far better healer. But you can’t patent it.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
The problem with comments like that is you don’t criticize medical research for any other illness only psychiatric diagnoses. That leads me to conclude that most of the anti-psychiatry videos on YouTube are funded by Scientology and it’s satellites. They are notorious for uneducated, unfair criticism of this particular branch of medicine.

3 years ago
It’s any type of drug. And it’s not just the psychiatric branch. Bottom line: just be a free thinker when it comes to health.

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
Really science is your best bet when it comes to health conditions you cannot control with diet and exercise. There’s nothing wrong with taking medication to treat an illness. Depression is a serious illness.

3 years ago
Everything can be cured with nature. A simple matter of rebalancing the body. Stress, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, and EMF’s are main causes. And depression could just be the body shutting down due to extreme stress. Just look into it. sunlight, goals,exercise, diet, detox, meditation, socializing and some other possible things should work. 

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
+guyoflife Everything cannot be cured with nature. Type 1 Diabetes is one example. Antibiotics save lives every day. Medicine is not bad-really.

3 years ago
think about the cause of it. Anyone could get diabetes if they ate tons of sugar and crashed their organs. Now why couldn’t we reverse that? The body’s always working to repair itself.

3 years ago
I know now that type one diabetes is an autoimmune disease but I still think it can be reversed.

six of one
3 years ago
+FleurPillager god, are you all over the place. You’re either a psychiatrist or a psychiatric customer and user (same difference) to spout everything you say as if it’s true or proven.

“There are no objective tests in Psychiatry—no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.” Dr. Allen Frances, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, 46 years in Psychiatry, Chairman of the Task Force for DSM4.

“We don’t know the etiology (causes) of really ANY of the mental disorders at this time” Dr. Darrell Regier, Psychiatrist, Chairman of the Task Force for DSM5.

“While the DSM has been described as a “Bible” for the field, it is, at best, a dictionary, creating a set of labels and defining each…. The weakness is its lack of validity. Unlike our definitions of ischemic heart disease, lymphoma, or AIDS, the DSM diagnoses are based on a consensus about clusters of clinical symptoms, not any objective laboratory measure.” Dr. Thomas Insel, Psychiatrist, Director of NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health).

“…the “chemical imbalance” notion was always a kind of urban legend” Dr. Ronald Pies, Professor of Psychiatry

“So, we have a half-baked theory ('chemical imbalance’) in a vacuum of science that (the) pharmaceutical industry raced to fill. We have the illusion of short-term efficacy and assumptions about long-term safety. But are these medications actually killing people? The answer is yes. Unequivocally, antidepressants cause suicidal and homicidal behavior.” Dr. Kelly Brogan, Psychiatrist 

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
“Chemical imbalance” is not a clinical term. Doctors use this to explain depression and other mental illness in a way that is understandable by the population. SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are a class of medications used to block the re-uptake of serotonin (one neurotransmitter among many). This allows more Serotonin to exist in the synapse between neurons (brain cells) and facilitate neuro-transmission, which is communication between brain cells. This is why anti-depressants are effective in treating depression and other disorders.

six of one
3 years ago
You talk like you think you know what you’re talking about. Are you an ‘authority’? Been a psychiatrist for 46 years and the Chairman of the Task Force for DSM4 like Frances, or like Regier (DSM5) or Insel? There is NO proof of anything regarding serotonin either. You hold your hands over your ears and go la la la la la. You are spreading huge amounts of false information.

“What if I told you that, in 6 decades of research, the serotonin (or norepinephrine, or dopamine) theory of depression and anxiety has not achieved scientific credibility?…To understand what imbalance is, we must know what balance looks like, and neuroscience, to date, has not characterized the optimal brain state, nor how to even assess for it” Dr. Kelly Brogan, Psychiatrist

“Unfortunately big Pharma and the APA (American Psychiatric Association) have manufactured a house of cards that seems to be believed not only by most of Psychiatry, but by the general public as well…There has never been any link between the suffering of depression and biochemistry. Yes, of course, all our mental states are reflected in the brain. But they are not caused by a brain disorder” .Dr. Robert Berezin, Psychiatrist (taught Psychiatry for 30 years, Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School)

“Despite high expectations, neither genomics nor imaging has yet impacted the diagnosis or treatment of the 45 million Americans with serious or moderate mental illness each year.” Dr. Thomas Insel, Psychiatrist, Head of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, regarding a meta-analysis of over 14,000 patients

“Most of Psychiatry is junk science, and it’s also highly political, but it doesn’t matter–people want to believe that there are technical fixes (pills, usually) for life’s many problems” Dr. Michael Reznicek, Psychiatrist

“In fact, neither the SSRIs, nor the serotonin–norepinephrine (norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that may affect mood and activity level) reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), which are increasingly prescribed, do a very good job. Doctors have prescribed these and other anti-depressants with great enthusiasm for more than twenty years—some thirty million Americans are currently using them for premenstrual syndrome, chronic pain, and anxiety, as well depression—because they believed the published studies which showed that the drugs were 60 to 70 percent more effective for depression than the placebos, the sugar pills, to which they were compared. These numbers were seriously misleading.
The drug companies, which profit hugely from SSRIs and other antidepressants, had, for the most part, only published the positive studies. When researchers went to the United States Food and Drug Administration and recovered the unpublished negative studies, the results were quite different. Reviews of the literature, which were published in our most prestigious medical journals—including The New England Journal of Medicine and The Journal of the American Medical Association—revealed that antidepressants were little, if any, better than placebos—except for a small minority of the most seriously depressed people.”
Dr. James S. Gordon, Psychiatrist

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
+six of one
Let me ask you this; What is the reason you are not crusading about the evils of endocrinology or another medical specialization? You are so motivated to criticize psychiatry because you belong to or are influenced by one of the many anti-psychiatry cults. Scientology, Landmark and other organizations want to control you and they know that the medical establishment and psychotherapy help people without insisting they follow a rigid, nonsensical belief system.

six of one
3 years ago
What? What makes you think I don’t ‘crusade’ against anything else? And you have nerve. I asked if you are an ‘authority’ on Psychiatry. I asked if you are Frances, or Regier, or Insel. I asked you if you are a psychiatrist or a psych customer. And you ask me questions? You think you call the shots regarding Psychiatry? This isn’t about me, has nothing to do with anything about me, which I why I quote others:

“The reason that Psychiatry cannot be a medical science is that despite thirty years of effort and untold billions in research, not a single biological, chemical, radiological or laboratory test has emerged that can be used to confirm (or refute) the many diagnoses that are so confidently and widely applied by psychiatrists (and other doctors and mental health professionals) to anyone having emotional problems. Nor is there any scientific method to measure the impact and effectiveness of the many chemicals psychiatry puts into people’s brains’ Dr. Philip Sinaikin, Psychiatrist

"No single reproducable abnormality in any (brain) transmitter or any of it’s enzymes or receptors has been shown to cause any psychiatric disorder” Dr. Stephen M. Stahl, Psychiatrist

“There is little evidence to suggest that there is a characteristic abnormality in [the serotonin and noradrenalin]…systems that is associated with depression.” Dr. Joanna Moncrief, Psychiatrist

“There is no rational science behind what they (psychiatrists) think is the cause of these (‘mental disorder’) symptoms. The medications that are being given to people are, without exception, introducing chemicals that are altering the brain in ways that can be very damaging” Dr. Grace Jackson, Psychiatrist

“No biological etiology (cause) has been proven for any psychiatric disorder in spite of decades of research. Don’t accept the myth that we can make an ‘accurate diagnosis.’” Dr.Edward Drummond, Psychiatrist

“What other medical specialty arrives at an official list of (psychiatric) diagnoses by committee, then creates a bestselling book (DSM) with the resulting codes (that nets the APA (American Psychiatric Association) untold millions? Can you imagine groups of endocrinologists getting together to coin terms like “Excessive Urination Disorder Of High Blood Sugar With Attendant Social Disruption?” How about cardiologists coming up with “Pain Over Sternum Associated With High Fat Diet Despite Adequate Exercise?” Dr. Keith Ablow, Psychiatrist

"The way things get into the DSM is not based on blood test or brain scan or physical findings. It’s based on descriptions of behavor. And that’s what the whole Psychiatry system is” Dr. Colin A. Ross, Psychiatrist

“Psychiatry has no rational basis in science… (it) does not have a formal model of ‘mental disorder’ that would allow us to say that psychiatry is a science” Dr. Niall McLaren, Psychiatrist

Fleur Bandito
3 years ago
Psychiatry is a branch of medicine. Psychiatrists (Doctors) prescribe medication based on research.

Benjamin Holt
2 years ago
+Fleur Bandito of course it works to “treat” depression. Having excess serotonin in the synapses makes you feel great… but at what cost?

Fleur Bandito
2 years ago
+Benjamin Holt Of course insulin works to “treat” diabetes and makes you feel better.

7 months ago (edited)
guyoflife “Either way nature is a far better healer” “Everything can be cured with nature” Would you use nature to heal, say, cancer for example? Do you think you can “diet away” cancer cells? Depression is a biological disease, just as much as cancer is.

7 months ago
Benjamin Holt “But at what cost?” Well, I have no side effects at all, and the drug I take prevented me from taking my own life (which I tried and failed at, because someone found me before I died). Even if I were to have side effects, it’s much better than dying..

7 months ago
six of one Don’t ask people questions if you get upset by being asked something in return. You cite a few doctors, and it seems you think those doctors speak for the entire medical community.. I don’t know if this is your stance, but when reading your comments, you seem to think ALL mental diseases are baloney, is that correct? If so, I’m sorry to disappoint, but you’re wrong. You can be as sceptical as you’d like, but diseases like depression are biological, and drugs help. In my case for example, drugs prevented my inevitable suicide. I have no side effects at all, but I would rather have side effects than be dead. You should read a little more about psychopathology..

Harl Mctrusty
4 months ago
Fleur Bandito you have been talking shit about the monoanime oxydse hypothesis in plenty of videos it as be debunked in every psychiatric literature paper why do you continue to spread this lie does it make feel better for your inability to assess your surroundings? Also are you autistic it takes major stresses to send someone into a depression that would cause emotional blunting, you have to be hypersensitive to feel overwhelmed by depression, stop lying you fucking idiot you know the serotonin hypothesis is complete horseshit people spontaneously recover from depression all the time shut up you utter pseudo science Quack.

Harl Mctrusty
2 weeks ago
Fleur Bandito take your psychiatric drugs

Online arguing is just sad. Sometimes, it is a waste to go on and on about certain topics. Nobody is going to convince everybody that their way of understanding in everything is the absolute way to be in life. Others will accept what “fits” for them and we have to not get angry when someone does not see it “our way”.

Now, I personally would not encourage psychiatry for anybody. For me,
many statements like ones in the comments above have contributed to helping me better than any paid “professional”. However, if one believes the system was worthwhile and possible prescription drugs that created changes in the brain were helpful to them — then it was, regardless if it might have had more to do with a placebo effect taking place.

It is the experiences one has in the field that make “mental illness” ‘care’ become something understood as genuine care. For some, the ‘care’ itself can be what creates problems or hinders enhanced self-awareness.

The practice could be beneficial to someone who was open to it.
It can be harmful to others who were coerced/threatened in the the past
by controlling elements to receive “treatment”. Ones who might have already had “mental illness” symptoms created by drugs that impaired their cognitive functions which kept them trapped in distress {like in my case}.

After being wronged once-too-often, of course I prefer and connect with the statements from doctors and patients who speak against the efficacy
of psychiatry/psychology and acknowledge their harms. I know where I
stand on the matter and cannot deny that I personally have not benefited from either practice. I give up on both and am better because of it.

We have psychiatry patients and doctors on both sides of the fence who claim to know what helps or hurts. In life, people present information, based
on what they have accepted and understood as fact, to others so they can
decide its worth to them.

I absolutely despise the way the current psychiatry system is and, of course,
what atrocities and experiments it has done to various patients over its very chequered history that continues today. What I personally have seen done to others and what was done to me.

I think people are harming themselves when they immediately put too-much trust in chemicals and psychiatric theories, but all I can do is inform potential/
current patients about my genuine experiences and let them decide what they want to chance in their future.

What happened to me can easily happen to them. That scares me; I care about patient safety and do not want disrespect or traumas to occur to
anybody from any business/individual.

“Social” media fighting in comments is simply tacky. All of us here do not
even want that on our “YouTube” video channel, so the commenting is not enabled. Additionally, we also like how there are none possible on this website.

If you have been hurt by the business of “mental health”, do not argue
about it. If you are ultra-sensitive and know others’ opinions will bother
you, there is no need to comment somewhere and possibly be insulted.

Whatever you know happened to you was fact, so do not do what could
make you irritated and sadder. Just go AWOL from the system … maybe start an anonymous blog and get some buddies to contribute … and definitely find better things to do with your time than debate psychiatry or waste time in that system again.

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Copyright © 2018 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP

{except for the comment portion}


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