there once was a fraud psych MD
who caught germs of mental disease –
which had infected a train
and, without causing pain,
allowed humans to catch it with ease.

patients then stopped seeing him more
(‘cause they knew an ill mind can’t be cured).
wanting his practice to thrive,
new DSM updates kept it alive –
fooling the public, which grew more unsure.

(found this on September 4, 2019 in an old 1940s book of doctor jokes compiled by a doctor of some kind; the 1st part was changed a lil’ by me today and the rest made 9th/10th ‘n thought is was okay to submit)

DEE COMMENTS: absolutely grand; thanks

February 15th, 2020 UPDATE: I read a page here where I liked the idea of seeing us as patients and not “clients” of psychiatry. I changed “people” to “patients”. Also, I wanted “his” (ill mind) to now be “an” (making it clearer that I think psychiatry is terrible by teaching that whatever is 'wrong’ with our ‘mind’ is lifelong and without cures, only ‘coping techniques’).


Now read this


This is difficult. Not the act of wanting to help, but contemplating … “What is the safest way to speak of my disgust with the labeling of people and the inaccuracies of "mental illness” suggestions? How can I mention my physical and... Continue →