In this article, five of the group are here to briefly consider how the
talking aspect of psychiatry or therapy may help if a person wants it.

PERSON 1: Thanks for coming. So, I will start with saying how in the “mental health” field, we have strangers who approach you with their beliefs on
human behaviour which they learned from other strangers.

Using this, they determine what may be aspects or qualities of a person
which are “wrong” and “correctable”.

P2: …and which fit into a billing code label
P1: absolutely
P3: there are too many
P2: there are more in America’s DSM than the ICD

P1: To me, it is up to you to choose to believe these strangers touting themselves as experts in behaviour of people. If someone feels that
they are “mentally ill” and desire another person’s ideas to try
and modify their thinking, psychiatry can help.

P2: I believe the placebo effect is in place.
P5: How so?

P1: That is something I also considered before. Yes, a belief in psychiatry
as a help can have a placebo effect, just like many of the poisonous
drugs can compare to positive effects a person has from a sugar pill.

P2: The talk I was given was nothing special. It mostly irritated me.
P3: I am okay with some of it, but psychiatry is too controlling.

P4: Yeah, I think the client needs to know that it is up to them to decide if
it wants to accept labels and a lot of opinions from self-professed professionals of the mind.

P1: I want any psychiatric patient here, or one who will read this online,
to remember that you are not “treatment resistant” if you realize that you
are getting nothing beneficial out of what the masses believe is “treatment”.

You can be smartly aware of a practice’s personal uselessness
for you and then get away from it!

You decide and should always be able to. Never forget that.

{a “thank you” from P2, P3 and P5}

P3: I think about how help from the mental health field is not the same as when you take a medicine for a headache which then helps the headache. There are other ways to help a headache, just like there are other ways to get help besides what psychiatry considers help.

One assistance for a headache is something I shared in a group
at a behavioral health center years ago.

  1. fill the tub with cold water high enough to cover your ankles;
    of course, if you have no tub, maybe the loo will suit? {laughter}

  2. stand in it; you do not have to be in the buff

  3. walk slowly back and forth until your feet are feeling numb and the cold
    temperature is just not bothering you any longer

  4. lie down; your headache will melt away

P2: That sounds pretty neat. Why does it work?
P3: I’m not sure
P4: Did you read about it, or did someone tell you to try it?
P3: I read it somewhere. It really did the trick each time.
P4: I would try that.
P1: It is a type of “MacGyverism”.
P2 & P5: I like it

P4: Psychiatry is all about a human’s attempt to get another human to behave differently using talk and/or drugs. It is begun with expectations and beliefs of what helps people in life and that those beliefs are accurate.

I also agree that if a client wants to believe in psychiatry teachings,
then it becomes something that can help. Forcing it can hurt a person.

P1: I never wanted psychiatry “help” and so it can never help.
P4: I get you. You are not wrong.
P3: I learned it can be okay to listen, but I’m guarded. There is
a lot of garbage mixed in with anything helpful and it gets confusing.
P5: Friends have been better than therapists for me.
P1: same here

P4: A person who is feeling better within the system does not mean
that it is proof that psychiatry “works” entirely. Likewise, feeling better
away from it doesn’t mean anybody has shown that it fails for everybody.

P1: Feeling better within or without the system does not mean
that anybody was “mentally ill” to begin with.

P4: good point
P3: I like that
P2: ditto


It is up to a person to decide if anything has a positive effect in their life.
We are not just talking just about “therapy”, but anything. *A patient of the “mental health” system
CAN decide if they are getting assistance and
beneficial teaching, not the system, and it is imperative they remember this.


Well done. Thanks, everybody!

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Copyright © 2017 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP


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