17th October, 2011:

“Nobody came in, so I ran my own ‘self esteem’ group! I guess that is
pretty good for me and I had a blast with it. Wow … so many people
absent from their scheduled group? I bet that I would have received the blame. My excellent caseworker at that time told me that she thought
it was funny.”

I think about this now and feel good about it. I was a
“caseworker” in a group, talking and letting people have fun.

SInce I could not go along with the psychiatric system of control and
its disguised – but sometimes blatant – anti-Christian thoughts, I am
happy for any chance to help others think differently and not rely
as much on the teaching from psychiatry.

I remember sitting on the desk and just acting a bit like I knew what I
was doing. No, not trying to be a boss or give repetitive information
that is heard many times – but to be different. I like to think that, on that
day, I gave them the ability to have more “self esteem” and a fun moment
in a depressing place.

Everyone was cool for choosing to stay, too.
That was one of the most helpful groups I had!

Perhaps I should have kept it to myself, but at least my caseworker did
not put me down or write it up as bad behaviour. Even if they are swayed
by and follow their psychiatric teachings, it is interesting to note there was one caseworker in life that even I was able to think of as excellent.

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Copyright © 2016 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP

{NOTE: this was an oldie I found, written and ready in June of 2016 but
not published until now; glad it was located, for it was important to me}


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