16th October, 2018: I read somewhere …

“While some say that returning to the scene of trauma can lessen the
mental stress of PTSD, frequent reminders of your experience can be
very damaging and make the condition even worse. Living a normal
life with PTSD is much easier if you try to distance yourself from regular contact with traumatic memories.”

Oh, well is not that big-time interesting?!?

Anybody in charge of a “behavioural health” place should have some
genuine-care and make sure it knows from its patients at the start if any
had traumatic experiences created by employees from places like it.

Now, I do not accept any labels from the lame DSM item … but for the
sake of this article and the very-real traumas where psychiatry is to blame,
I say that my “PTSD” was worse and worse from just being in a place where rotten memories could easily abound.

How would any-such place want to help someone when the place is
representative of the someone’s trauma? Is there even a proper start?

Guess what happened during one of my near-the-end sessions with the incorrect psychiatrist. He stated that he did not think that my problems
were only because of a doctor.
Simple ignorance. With this, he planted
a seed of doubt – tried to – in someone who was FINALLY figuring themselves out. Chances are he was high on himself and that I had a perceived lawlessness of psychiatry {or, I guess in his case, all doctors}.

Typical. Psychiatry cannot help itself, apparently. The “mental health” businesses succeed in drawing employees who love themselves and being in control of others. It is, therefore, something that sounds like a perfect job for most of the human race. How sad.

Whenever a seizure is coming, even if it does not turn into the “grand mal”
variety {which surely is not grand}, fears abound of my being approached
by some psychiatrist or harmful social-worker during or after.

One example of when I could not leave a crap-hospital until I spoke to
some “expert” concerned how, pertaining to seizures, that I mentioned
“I don’t care” that I had them. Lame! In the E/R, time passed and I was coming-back to myself during the post-ictal state. I do not even recall
saying the words, mentioned so to the person when he arrived {some
doctor that actually remembered me a bit from school}, and that was that. Props to that person for not bugging me more and leaving in under a minute. Still, it was something I was forced to do before I could be discharged, thus traumatic, and was not beneficial or appreciated.

I do not accept psychiatry’s belief-system. It goes against what I accept
as truth/helpful and interferes with my faith and conscience. There is plenty of information out there to support my rejection and that is all I need.

So, although free of a corrupt “behavioural health” location, the PTS – Psychiatry-created Trauma and Stress – still lingers. It is a terrible thing …
but a condition that one can easily help themselves with by breaking ties with the system. Do not create more trauma for yourself by remaining in it.
Be AWOL and stay-away from it as much as possible.

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Copyright © 2018-2019 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP


UPDATE: 11th June, 2020; added details to the section concerning
one of my examples of discomfiture at a rotten hospital

UPDATE: 4th August, 2020; added a few-more details to same section


Now read this


It is fine to not believe in your “chemical imbalance”. {http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/08/09/not-trust-medical-experts/} Not that I am encouraging anybody to quickly, if at all, accept a “mental illness” title which is told to you, but... Continue →