Can indecision, a universal ability of and within everyone,
be a reason for some mental stress? Absolutely.

In the past, basically anything I did or thought was questioned by
myself and I tried to figure out every possible outcome before deciding.
It grew to even a concern of whether the act of deciding was
maybe not “normal”.

Indecision was a choice, but I didn’t even realize that.
Was I allowed to decide? Was it even human?

How devastating that was…
and it’s sad that forced and/or deceptive psychiatry and
medicines contributed to being trapped in that form.

Excessive indecision is a pattern that may be holding you back.

I didn’t let my hair down much. That isn’t an illness of the mind, but
what happens after plenty of boredom from indecision and stress
about taking too long to make those decisions.

everyone, just start doing a lot more activities.

Keep up with hobbies. Also, try many things that are different from what
you’re used to. Don’t fear to try just because something could go wrong
in the end. Every person will not have everything turn out perfectly.

Since I didn’t attempt to have a lot of good experiences in life, there
weren’t many to fall back on after there were many bad experiences.

After lots of events and moments, certainly there will be some that have created pleasant memories. Allow yourself to decide to have
good memories

There are too many decisions these days.
The people are bombarded with too many options.

Life has become nothing but something that creates pressure to do
what every peer does so that you are doing what is “right”.

Forget that. Fuckin’ decide something and stick with it until you
maybe want to change the situation or activity if it becomes
repetitive, uninteresting, or finally seen as harmful.

It’s either do things in the now, in whatever way you want, or know that
you will eventually be in the future looking back on what you didn’t do
that is unable to be changed.

Make note of that which you really like doing.
That’s written notes and not just in thought.

Concentrate on the realization of liking what you are trying right at the
and do not feel that it is abnormal to enjoy doing something.

Absolutely seriously: ask yourself if what you are doing is something that has never been done (even a basic task, like walking). As long as it’s not
illegal or harming anybody, know that others have done what you’re
doing at a given moment and it’s okay

Keep stuff simple. Simple is better.

Accept being as unique as you want to. Enjoy it. Don’t think you are
wrong if you are original and are comfortable doing something your way.

Be shy. Be tearful. Be you, and you will grow.

Don’t accept that you have to act in the “normal” way.

Normalcy needs to be defined by you, not society, rules, or anybody in the “mental health” system. Too many rules can keep stability for a business,
but interfere with your wellness and freedom you need and deserve.

Children are frequently not full of as much worry because
they aren’t stuck with the world’s definition of “normal”.

As they get older, they start to believe in how an adult must be. People begin to feel that it is wrong to let their hair down as they used to as a kid. And that brings sadness over something missed. Something that could
still happen at times, but people have grown to feel it was not “normal”
to do so as an adult or older teenager.

No body or thing is “normal”.
There is commonality or uniqueness.
The concept of “normal” is bullshit.

For a minor example, it is a false ideology when you think it is not “normal”
to not go to bed at night. Most of the public have learned to believe that sleeping at night is “right”, not simply as something that many people do.

October 14, 2017 extra: This morning, getting breakfast, I caught myself hesitating. Did I want to cook chicken or have the steel-cut oats? I admit
I had the thought of how “oats are what people have at breakfast, so I
should have them”. Reading this, did you think for a moment the same?

I remembered what I wrote here, stopped waiting, and picked what I first knew I wanted: good ol’ chicken. Sure, it took more time but was no
problemo. And I felt good about not waiting. And I knew I could have
the other later today. “Breakfast” foods are 4 anytime.

You decide for you.

If you are a certain way…
if you like or dislike something…
if you are fuckin’ seeing or hearing this, it is “normal”.

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Copyright © 2016 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP


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