I wrote concerning independence early-on:


Here are some thoughts about flicks related to alien-
attacks & the American Fourth Of July/Independence Day.

2020 UPDATE: Originally placed in 2019, I moved it up a year. After
watching the last two {skipping the older ID, which I tossed in the bin}, I
changed my mind and like the “Independence DAYsaster” most. It still-
stands that I liked how “Independents’ Day” started right-away with action … but the aliens were stupid. We had the military sneaking bombs on {only guns could be detected by the ships’ scanners} and then they were still allowed elsewhere after the scanners showed nothing. Lame.

In “Independents’”: the ships were cool {but not as interesting
as those in “IDay”, where some came up from the ground and the
drones could spin and saw-through fighter jets}. Also, the destruction
of the White House, though not-taking as much screen time, looked
neater than in the original “ID” {I remember that sequence}. Still, there
was not enough to keep my interest. What was I thinking? I can only say
that I must have written the truth and that, last year, I somehow did like “Independents’” better than “IDay”. {END UPDATE}

As for the 20-years-later sequel to the original “ID4”, known as
“Independence Day: RESURGENCE” (2016), I barely-heard of it
and did not look up many details. It is something I have yet to
see {or actually want to}.

quoting a goodie from the original ID4:
“Today, we celebrate our independence day!”

my larger-variation:
“Always, we celebrate independence of the over-
hyped disaster-movie-alike which is psychiatry!”

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Copyright © 2019-20 Dee Essem/MIND MADE UP


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